No pretendo juzgar a Jackson por cambiar de piel, pues si queremos que nos respeten, tenemos que empezar primero nosotros respetando los demás. Ahora bien solo quiero referirme al hecho de que tal cosa posiblemente le condujo a que su estadía aquí en la tierra sea acortada. Con apenas 50 años y días,(meses de vidas) ha muerto. Esto nos deja un profundo mensaje.Read moreMichael Jackson: the money could change the color of his skin he was born, but he had more money in life, he could not against death or disease
I do not intend to prosecute Jackson for changing skin, because if we want to respect us, first we have to start respecting each other. But I just want to mention the fact that such a thing possibly lead it to make your stay here on earth is shortened. With just 50 years and days (months of life) is dead. This leaves us with a profound message.
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